What is Wet Processing?

All semiconductor components must go through a crucial stage of manufacture called wet processing. The format of the pure wafer is developed during this phase.

The following is how the wet processing processes are used:

1. In accordance with the engineering format desired for the finished product, a resistant substance is deposited onto the semiconductor wafer’s surface. That structure is what visually generates a small roadmap of connected nodes for the majority of semiconductors.
2. Next, the wafer is exposed to a liquid or vapour that will etch away the exposed wafer and leave behind the format of the deposited material.
3. The wafer is then cleaned and quality-checked before continuing to the next step in the production process.

Why Choose Us?

Mex Quest strives to be your partner in creating wet processing solutions. Our team of experienced and technical staffs can advice you on application specific semiconductor processing solutions, including Metal Liftoff, Semiconductor Etch, Resist strip, Advanced Wet Etch and more. We are more than just Wet Benches.

Mex Quest specializes in:

  • Batch Wafer Processing
  • Silicon Wafer Cleaning
  • Etch, Strip, Texture, Rinse
  • Semi-Auto Workbench
  • Manual Wet Bench
  • Wafer Cleaning
  • Parts Cleaning

To learn more about our work related to wet processing or other services, request more information, or request a quote online today.

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